20 Best HIIT Workouts You Can Do at Home

If you’re looking for a workout that will help you burn fat and build muscle quickly, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is the way to go. HIIT workouts involve short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest or active recovery. The best part? You can do HIIT workouts at home with little or no equipment. In this article, we’ll share 20 of the best HIIT workouts you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Benefits of HIIT Workout

HIIT workouts have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their numerous health benefits. Here are some of the top benefits of HIIT workouts:

  1. Burns calories and promotes weight loss: HIIT workouts are an effective way to burn calories and promote weight loss. They can help increase your metabolism and continue to burn calories even after the workout is over.
  2. Improves cardiovascular health: HIIT workouts can help improve your cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and improving your cardiovascular endurance.
  3. Increases muscle strength and endurance: Many HIIT exercises involve bodyweight exercises and resistance training, which can help increase muscle strength and endurance.
  4. Improves insulin sensitivity: HIIT workouts have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, which can help lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  5. Enhances overall fitness level: HIIT workouts can help enhance your overall fitness level by improving your strength, endurance, and flexibility.
  6. Requires little to no equipment: Many HIIT exercises can be done with little to no equipment, making it a convenient and affordable way to exercise.
  7. Can be done anywhere: HIIT workouts can be done at home, at the gym, or even outdoors, making it a flexible and versatile way to exercise.
  8. Saves time: HIIT workouts are typically shorter in duration compared to traditional workouts, making it a time-efficient way to exercise.

Overall, HIIT workouts are a great way to improve your health and fitness level in a short amount of time. Refer to this research Click Here to know more about the benefits of HIIT Workout.

20 Best HIIT Workouts You Can Do at Home

1. Tabata

Tabata is a type of HIIT workout that consists of eight rounds of 20 seconds of intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. You can choose any exercise you like, such as burpees, jumping jacks, or squats. The goal is to perform as many reps as possible during each 20-second interval.

2. Bodyweight HIIT

Bodyweight HIIT workouts are perfect for those who want to build strength and endurance without using any equipment. You can do exercises like push-ups, lunges, and planks to get a full-body workout.

3. Jump Rope HIIT

Jumping rope is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories. For a jump rope HIIT workout, jump rope for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat for a total of 10 minutes.

4. Kettlebell Swings

Kettlebell swings are a great way to work your entire body and improve your cardiovascular fitness. To do a kettlebell swing, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the kettlebell with both hands. Swing the kettlebell between your legs, then thrust your hips forward to swing it up to shoulder height.

5. Plyometrics

Plyometric exercises involve explosive movements that help build power and speed. Exercises like jump squats, box jumps, and burpees are perfect for a plyometric HIIT workout.

6. Running Intervals

Running intervals are a great way to build endurance and burn calories. Choose a distance, such as 400 meters, and run as fast as you can for that distance. Rest for a few minutes, then repeat for a total of 10-15 minutes.

7. Hill Sprints

Hill sprints are a challenging but effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness and build leg strength. Find a hill with a steep incline and sprint up it as fast as you can. Walk down to recover, then repeat for a total of 10-15 minutes.

8. Stair Climbing

Climbing stairs is a great way to work your legs and get your heart rate up. For a stair-climbing HIIT workout, climb stairs as fast as you can for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat for a total of 10 minutes.

9. EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute)

EMOM workouts involve doing a set number of reps of an exercise at the beginning of every minute. Use exercises like push-ups, squats, or burpees to get a full-body workout.

10. AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

AMRAP workouts involve doing as many rounds of a circuit as possible within a set time period. You can choose any exercises you like, such as push-ups, lunges, and planks.

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11. Bodyweight Circuit

Bodyweight circuits are perfect for those who want to get a full-body workout without using any equipment. You can choose exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks to get a complete workout.

12. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a classic exercise that can be done anywhere. Start with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Jump your feet out to shoulder-width apart while simultaneously raising your arms overhead. Jump back to the starting position and repeat for a total of 30-60 seconds.

13. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are a great way to work your core and get your heart rate up. Start in a plank position, then alternate bringing your knees towards your chest as if you’re running in place. Do as many reps as you can for 30-60 seconds.

14. Burpees

Burpees are a challenging but effective full-body exercise. Start in a standing position, then squat down and place your hands on the ground. Jump your feet back into a plank position, do a push-up, then jump your feet back towards your hands and stand up. Repeat for a total of 30-60 seconds.

15. Jump Squats

Jump squats are a great way to work your legs and get your heart rate up. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, then squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Jump up as high as you can, then land softly and repeat for a total of 30-60 seconds.

16. Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are a great way to work your upper body and improve your cardiovascular fitness. Grab a pair of battle ropes and alternate waving them up and down as fast as you can for 30-60 seconds.

17. Medicine Ball Slams

Medicine ball slams are a great way to work your entire body and blow off some steam. Hold a medicine ball overhead, then slam it into the ground as hard as you can. Pick it up and repeat for a total of 30-60 seconds.

18. Box Jumps

Box jumps are a great way to build explosive power and leg strength. Find a sturdy box or bench and jump onto it, then jump back down and repeat for a total of 30-60 seconds.

19. Treadmill Sprints

If you have a treadmill at home, use it for some high-intensity sprints. Set the speed to a challenging level and sprint for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat for a total of 10-15 minutes.

20. Jumping Lunges

Jumping lunges are a challenging but effective way to work your legs and improve your balance. Start with one foot forward and one foot back in a lunge position. Jump up and switch your feet in midair, landing with your opposite foot forward. Repeat for a total of 30-60 seconds.


  1. How many times per week should I do a HIIT workout?
  • It’s recommended to do HIIT workouts 2-3 times per week, with at least one day of rest in between.
  1. Do I need any equipment to do a HIIT workout at home?
  • No, many HIIT workouts can be done with just your body weight. However, some exercises may require equipment such as dumbbells or a kettlebell.
  1. How long should a HIIT workout be?
  • A typical HIIT workout lasts anywhere from 10-30 minutes, depending on the intensity of the exercises.
  1. Are HIIT workouts good for weight loss?
  • Yes, HIIT workouts are an effective way to burn calories and promote weight loss. They can help increase your metabolism and continue to burn calories even after the workout is over.
  1. Can beginners do HIIT workouts?
  • Yes, but it’s important to start with lower-intensity exercises and gradually increase the intensity as your fitness level improves. Always listen to your body and rest when needed.
  1. Can HIIT workouts be modified for injuries?
  • Yes, many HIIT exercises can be modified to accommodate injuries. It’s important to speak with a healthcare provider or certified personal trainer to get specific modifications for your injury.
  1. How long does it take to see results from HIIT workouts?
  • Results can vary based on individual fitness levels and goals, but many people start to see improvements in their fitness level within a few weeks of consistent HIIT workouts.
  1. Can HIIT workouts be done every day?
  • It’s not recommended to do HIIT workouts every day, as they are high-intensity and can be tough on the body. It’s important to give your body time to rest and recover in between workouts.

Tips To Make your HIIT Workout More Effective

If you want to make the most out of your HIIT workouts, here are some tips to help you make them more effective:

  1. Incorporate full-body exercises: Full-body exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, and jumping jacks can help engage multiple muscle groups and maximize calorie burn.
  2. Increase intensity gradually: It’s important to gradually increase the intensity of your HIIT workouts over time to avoid injury and improve your fitness level.
  3. Incorporate rest periods: HIIT workouts are high-intensity, so it’s important to incorporate rest periods to allow your body to recover and prevent injury.
  4. Use proper form: Using proper form is essential to prevent injury and get the most out of your HIIT workouts. Make sure you’re engaging the right muscles and keeping proper alignment throughout the exercises.
  5. Mix up your workouts: To prevent boredom and avoid plateauing, mix up your HIIT workouts with different exercises, intervals, and durations.
  6. Incorporate strength training: Strength training can help increase muscle strength and endurance, which can improve your performance during HIIT workouts.
  7. Stay hydrated: It’s important to stay hydrated during and after your HIIT workouts to prevent dehydration and optimize performance.
  8. Fuel your body properly: Eating a balanced diet with adequate protein and carbohydrates can help fuel your body for HIIT workouts and aid in recovery.

By incorporating these tips into your HIIT workouts, you can make them more effective and achieve your fitness goals more efficiently.


In conclusion, HIIT workouts are a great way to get in shape and improve your overall fitness. With the workouts listed above, you can get a full-body workout in the comfort of your own home. Remember to always warm up before starting any workout and to listen to your body to avoid injury.


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