3 Sure Signs You Need To See a Therapist

3 Sure Signs You Need To See a Therapist


Feeling stressed, anxious and depressed at some point is normal in life. After all, setbacks are part of life. But sometimes, these dips in your life are more profound and merit getting outside help. You might be feeling low and dejected and struggling to snap out of it. Or there are certain patterns in your life that you can’t get rid of.

But seeing a therapist or any other outside help might seem like a big decision. You might weigh its efficacy against other options and question if you really need help. Waiting for a while, thinking that it will make the condition disappear, may seem like a good idea. Or you might think it better to talk to a loved one in your family or one of your friends. This battle in your mind tells you that seeing a therapist is a challenging decision. And knowing when a rough patch in your life actually merit seeing a therapist is even more perplexing.

Can there be any signs telling someone about the right time to see a therapist? Those which can help differentiate the good and bad stress? Experts believe that there are signs that the problem you face won’t go away without getting outside help. But before you choose a therapist, you must be sure of their qualification.

Choosing the right therapist

The right therapist has extensive academic excellence in their area and possesses skills to unlock the sealed doors in your mind. They must know how to release some knots in your mind and help you start afresh. Apart from the customary counselling degree, some professional therapists earn a Master in Applied Psychology, also known as a mapp degree. The degree prepares them to explore human behaviour in great depth. You might find many business professionals in the marketing and consumer-oriented jobs have this degree too because their job is to reach and impact people’s behaviour and thought processes ultimately.

When should you see a therapist?

Firstly, let’s clear this fog in your mind that you become weaker by asking for help. In reality, you simply need help because you can’t do everything yourself. We, humans, live together to help and bring relief and solace to each other’s lives. So, the sooner you seek help, the faster you can get back to your normal life. Some critical signs asking you for outside help include:

  1. Inability to regulate your emotions

Everyone feels anxious and sad in their life because, trust me, life is not completely a bed of roses. But you have to see how persistent and long these spells of melancholy are and how strongly you feel them. Are they barring you from performing your tasks? Do you dissatisfied, hopeless, and disinterred all the time? Anger is a subpart of a depressing predicament. In men, you might miss the depression because these phases of irritability are often considered a part of their masculinity. Therefore, it might often go untreated in men.

Feeling sad all the time comes under clinical depression that needs to be treated immediately. Some people also display more anger, irritability, and unacceptance towards others instead of sadness. So, there can often be blurred boundaries regarding the irregularities in your emotions. However, you must be vigilant about these irregularities and seek prompt help with your emotions.

  1. Failure in managing your stress

The next reason could be a failure in managing your stress. Life is full of difficulties; in the face of it, if you cannot manage the stress and challenges, you may find yourself in perpetual depression. You have to learn how to differentiate between good and bad stress because, let’s be honest, some stress is healthy for you. The pressure that makes you responsible for your obligations, work, studies, and life overall is good. But if you face trouble channeling your stress into productivity and managing your stress, seeing a therapist becomes a must. Feeling stressed all the time leads to having mood swings and being inefficient and frantic. When you visit a therapist, they can help you channel your aggression into productivity. You may also learn some stress-relieving and relaxation techniques to practice at home.

  1. Finding solace in unhealthy habits

Overreaction is often a part of consistent stress. Looking for quick solutions can distract you for some time, but they cannot offer a long-term cure. Drinking too much is often touted as a way to reduce stress. But you must realize that such unhealthy habits can open doors for new problems in your life. If you develop new habits to avoid addressing your problems, almost all distractions become wrong. You might start binge-watching series, devouring books one after the other, going out a lot, or anything for that matter. Even after doing all this, know that you are the only one who will have to solve the pending issues. But if you can’t, confide in a therapist to learn the best approaches.


Stress, tension, sadness, anger are all parts of your life. But all these emotions and reactions must not surpass a certain limit, after which they become unhealthy. If your sadness cripples you barring you from enjoying your life or fulfilling your obligations, it is much more than just a spell— it is a phase that you must address properly. A therapist can help you see the positivity in your gloom and get back to your life.