Exercising Guides

10 Exercises To Get Rid Of Hip Dips

10 Exercises To Get Rid Of Hip Dips- All of us want the perfect body figure but do you know that there are several problems in building a perfect body figure? One of these problems is the inward curve along the side of your body called hip dips and looks very uneven. So is there any way to get rid of hip dips? Yes, today we have analyzed the 10 best exercises for you to get rid of hip dips easily and effectively.

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Most of these exercises are bodyweight exercises that you can easily perform at home without any equipment. Follow this program for at least 4 to 5 weeks to get the improvements. Before getting started let’s know more about hip dips.

What are Hip Dips?

Hips dips are the inward curve along the sides of your body. A few of us know it as violin hips. In the place of the outer borders of one’s hips following curves which look as though these were drawn with a protractor the will have indentations. All these indentations might be slight and hardly noticeable, or they might possibly be quite prominent. They’re an ordinary part of the body structure.

What Causes Hip Dips?

Hip dips occur where your skin is tethered or attached, to the darker part of one’s thigh bone, known as the trochanter. All these indentations are somewhat more evident in some people. That is a result of the total quantity and distribution of muscle and fat on the human body structure. Hips dips could be less or more dominant based upon the width of one’s hips and also the form of your pelvis in addition to the supply of the human body fat. They are also able to be apparent once you are wearing particular kinds of clothing.

How hip dips affect your body posture?

Hip dips are not bad or good. They have been only a manifestation of one’s entire body. Everybody else is exclusive. Your bones and joints are formed differently compared to mine will be somewhat separate in your own sisters.

We’re frequently fed propaganda in which women will have to get a totally symmetrical”hourglass figure” This is crap, and many people only do not seem like this.

We’re all gorgeous, without stylish dips. Therefore please do not stress!

How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips

Unfortunately, you might not have the ability to eliminate these completely. You can’t greatly change your posture.

That said, there are just two things that you can do in order to minimize the visibility of the hip dips.

  • The very first issue you could do would be to exercise to create and strengthen the muscle bands around your hips. Exercise alone is very good for the human body as well as your brain.
  • Second, you also may attempt to decrease the bodyweight/body fat amount in the event that you’re too heavy.

As easy as that sounds, exercise and diet is usually the most useful response to the majority of things.

10 Exercises To Get Rid Of Hip Dips

1. Standing kickback lunges

Standing kickback lunge exercise is excellent for providing balance and equilibrium within your own body. It works directly on your buttocks and thighs. Ensure that to keep your leg and foot participated. Engage your heart during the present also.

How to do

  • Get into a standing position with the hands in the front of one’s torso at prayer pose.
  • Exhale and lift up your arms along with your ears along with your palms facing one another when stepping your leg back.
  • Sink your knee into a lunge. Stick to the ball of your rear foot and also maintain your feet facing forwards. At precisely exactly the exact same time frame, return both hands to the beachfront location.
  • Perform 12 lunges. Over the last rep, maintain back your leg and pulse upward and down 1-2 times.
  • Repeat to the other hand.

2. Standing side leg lifts

Standing side leg lifts help build the muscle up across the sides of your hips and buttocks. You can even feel a stretch on your inner part. Ensure that the movement is controlled and steady. Do not overeat or dash into movement, and attempt to maintain the body directly.

You can perform that exercise with shoulder weights for extra difficulty.

How to do

  • With your left hand for balance and encouragement, root right into your left foot and then lift your right foot slightly off the ground floor.
  • Inhale and lift your right leg into the side.
  • Slowly lower in recoil and cross over the other leg.
  • Perform 1-2 leg-lifts on both sides.

3. Side hip openers

You are able to work with a barbell behind your knee to get this particular exercise to get greater difficulty. Side hip openers are always the best exercise to get rid of hip dips. Here is a short tutorial to fo this exercise.

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How to do

  • Get down to all fours because you’d for Cat-Cow pose. Be certain that you keep your fingers directly under your shoulders, as well as your knees straight beneath your hips.
  • Stand as you lift up one leg to ensure it generates a 90-degree angle in the leg. Hold your knee flexed.
  • Gradually decrease your leg back off. Continue to keep your knee prior to touching the floor until you lift it back again.
  • Try so movement 1-5 times. Over the last repeat, heartbeat your leg 10 times at the top position prior to reducing.
  • Repeat to the other hand.

4. Glute bridges

Glute bridge is an ultimate exercise that targets directly your thighs and buttocks. This can allow you to encourage the body and workout your core muscles. Let’s know more about this effective exercise.

How to do

  • Bend down on your back with arms along with the body along with your knees flexed.
  • Inhale and lift your hips and buttocks.
  • Appeared as you back down.
  • Repeat 15 times. Over the last rep, support the top pose for 10 or more minutes.
  • Afterward closely bring your knees back and repeat.

5. Lying downside leg raises

This leg raises exercise to directly target your outer thigh and buttocks. Ensure to make use of the muscles on your hips and buttocks to execute the moves. You may use ankle weights for all these exercises.

How to do

  • Bend back in the side, so ensuring that the body is at one single line.
  • Bend your elbow and then utilize your hands to back up your head portion, or maintain your arm back on to the ground.
  • Maintain your left hand onto the floor in front of you for support.
  • Decrease your leg without allowing it to touch with the straight leg. Over the last rep, maintain your leg on the very top and also do 20 pulses.
  • Repeat to the other hand.

6. Leg Kickbacks

This Leg Kickbacks exercise will help you lift your buttocks. Keep your heart engaged to secure your back. Do the kickback moves slowly. You are able to use ankle weights for all these exercises.

How to do

  • Lie down on your fours because you’d in Cat-Cow pose.
  • Maintain your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • Stretch your leg out directly. Afterward, slowly lift up your leg as large as it’s going to go.
  • Reduce your leg straight back down to the ground, but never let your foot to the touch.
  • Perform 15 repetitions. Over the last rep, maintain your leg raised therefore that it is parallel to the ground floor. Pulse up your leg and down 15 instances.
  • Repeat to the other hand.

7. Side Lunges

Side lunges directly work on your thighs and also middle buttocks. Attempt to keep low to the bottom the whole time. Keep the feet of your front-facing forwards. Make certain that you’re really stepping outside into the side. Here is the short tutorial for side lunges.

How to do

  • Begin by standing with the toes together.
  • Dip your knee into a curtsy lunge.
  • Bring your best foot in front of your foot.
  • Repeat to the other hand.
  • Perform 1-5 reps on every side.

8. Standing Side to Side Squats

To get rid of hip dips STanding side to side squats is one of the best exercises to perform. Keep your buttocks lower during those squats. Each and every time that your feet bond, squat somewhat lower. It is possible to develop somewhat as you proceed, but do not think of all of the ways. You could even do these exercises using shoulder weights.

  • Begin in a standing position with the feet.
  • Come down into a squat position and transfer your foot into the best.
  • Subsequently, make your left foot towards your right foot.
  • Next, stretch your left foot into the left sides. Repeat 10 reps on each side.

9. Squats

Squats are a terrific way to tone your thighs, buttocks, hips. Be certain that you keep your spine straight and your feet facing forward. Engage your ab muscles to get additional support. You’re able to take a barbell when doing such squats.

  • Exhale as you lower down as if you are sitting in a seat.
  • Inhale and stand straight up.
  • Repeat this 1-2 times.
  • Over the last rep, support the low posture and pulse down and up 1-2 times.

10. Side curtsy lunges

This posture works your thighs and also the medial side of one’s buttocks. Attempt to keep low to the bottom the whole time. Keep the feet of your front-facing forwards. Ensure that you’re really stepping outside into the side. You could even do these squats while holding a barbell.

How to do

  • Begin by standing with the toes together. Dip your knee into a curtsy lunge.
  • Bring your left foot in front of your foot.
  • Repeat to the other hand.
  • Perform 1-5 reps on every side.

Diet Tips To Get Rid Of Hip Dips

A nutritional diet can also help you in improving your posture. Here are some diet tips that you should follow to get rid of hip dips.

  • Increase your water intake and be certain that you’re getting enough calories. Carbs can provide you more energy to make the most of your workouts.
  • Eating lean protein can help develop your muscle tissue. Include loads of healthful fats, calcium, magnesium, and fiber.
  • Avoid processed junk food, sugar, and alcohol. Get smart food choices, but remember it’s fine to be more indulgent every occasionally.

You’re able to balance your exercise pattern by training additional regions of your body also. To completely change the body, it is vital you perform an assortment of exercises. Incorporate different varieties of cardio workouts into your regular workout.

Stay focused on a workout routine, and incorporate physical activity into your everyday routine. Ask your physician, nutritionist, or fitness expert for advice.


We have analyzed the 10 best exercises to get rid of hip dips. These effective exercises will also help in forming perfect butt in just 4 weeks. Follow this workout program with proper nutritional diet for 3 to 4 weeks to get rid of hip dips. All the best and stay strong. Buildingbeast.


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