Top 10 abs exercises for men

Top 10 abs exercises for men e1566106840376

Don’t you want to have a 6-pack abs attractive physique? Every gym freak whether a beginner or a professional has a desire to get a sexy physique which will help him look stronger. If you also have a desire to sculpt 6-pack abs to claim your desire physique, then you are on the right screen. The six-pack abs recipe is not much complicated. All you have to do is hit the workouts and have a nutrient-rich diet. We have analyzed the Top 10 abs exercises for men which will help you get your best physique. So without getting late, let’s get started.

Benefits of abs exercises

  • It strengthens your core which helps in performing many compound exercises.
  • It helps you getting an attractive physique. Most of the people prefer the shredded 6-pack abs guy over a bulky body guy
  • You can overcome back pain problems easily.
  • A stronger core is a symbol of strength and power you have.
  • It also helps in improving your body posture and also provide better body balance.

Top 10 abs exercises for men

1. Flat bench leg raise

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The flat bench leg raise is one of the best abs exercises. It is one of the most effective exercises ehich helps in sculpting abs. It strengthens your core. This workout is recommended for both beginners and professionals. Let’s do this workout.

Targeted areas- It usually targets your upper and lower abs.

How to do

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Lie down on the flat bench. Hold the bench with your hands. This will be your starting position. Now raise your feet slowly until they make an angle of 90 degrees with the floor. Pause for a while and then release your feet down to the initial position. Here is your one rep completed.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 10 reps.

Hold the bench with your hands to maintain body balance.

2. Hanging Leg Raises

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Hanging leg raises is also one of the best abs exercises for men. It usually focuses on your upper abs. It also strengthens your core and helps in increasing your flexibility. This workout can be performed by both beginners and professionals. It is considered in the top 10 abs exercises for men. Come on! Let’s do this crazy workout.

Targeted areas- It usually focuses on your upper and lower abs.

How to do

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Hang on the chin-up bar with a shoulder-width grip. Keep your lower body straight. This will be your starting position. Now slowly raise your legs upward as far as you can. Pause for a while. Now release down the legs slowly to the initial position. Your one rep is completed.

(For more effective result you can twist your legs side to side.)

Complete 3 sets of 10, 8, 8 reps.

Breathe properly during the whole workout.

Lock your shoulders to prevent injuries.

3. Cable crunches

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Cable crunches is considered as the best abs workouts for men. This exercise focuses on your core part. If you want to sculpt thin and stronger abs, then this workout might be helpful. It provides constant tension to your abs. it also strengthens your core. This workout is for both beginners and professionals. Let’s do this crazy workout.

Targeted areas- It usually targets your overall core.

How to do

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Sit down below a high pulley machine. Attach a rope to the machine. Grab the rope from the back. This will be your starting position. Now contract your waist, such that your elbows travel through the middle of thighs. Pause for a while and slowly get back to the initial position. Here is one rep completed.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 10 reps each.

4. Side jackknifes

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Side jackknifes are effective abs exercises for men. It mainly helps in abs cutting. If you want to sculpt thick and stronger abs then this exercise would be the best one. It usually focuses on the obliques and the body core. Let’s do this workout.

Targeted areas- it usually targets your obliques and body core.

How to do

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Lie on your right side. Place your left leg over the right leg. Rest your right hand over the floor and keep your left hand behind your head. This will be your starting position. Raise your left leg slowly along with your torso. Now return back to the initial position. Here is one rep completed.

Complete 3 sets of 10 reps each.

5. Russian twists

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Russian twists are the best abs exercise for men. This exercise is suggested by most of the professional bodybuilders. It is also listed in the top 10 abs exercises for men. It focuses on your upper abs. this effective exercise also strengthens your muscles. Let’s do this exercise.

Targeted areas- It usually targets your upper abs and lower back muscles.

How to do

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Lie down on the floor. Stuck your feet on the floor. Grab a weighted plate in your hands. This will be your initial position. Now raise your upper body slowly. Tilt your upper body to the right, until your arms are parallel to the floor. Return back to the starting position. One rep is completed. Repeat the same with the left side.

6. Dragon Flag

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The dragon flag is one of the best-advanced core exercises. It focuses on your overall core. It helps in building great core strength. Ii also helps in sculpting six pack abs. This exercise is usually considered in martial arts training. Let’s do this crazy abs exercise.

Targeted areas- It usually targets your overall core. It also focuses on your lower back. It Helps in increasing strength.

How to do

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Lie on the flat bench. Hold the bench behind your head with your hands. This will be your starting position. Now raise your lower body up straight. Stuck your shoulder in the bench and raise the whole body up. Feel the burn in your abs and lower back. Now return back to the initial position.

Complete 2 sets and hold the body for 10-20 sec in each set.

7. Barbell rollout

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Barbell rollout is also one of the best abs exercises for men. It helps in building a stronger core. It also focuses on your back muscles. Let’s do this exercise.

Targeted areas- It usually targets your overall core and back muscles.

How to do

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Grab the barbell with an appropriate weight. Sit down on the floor and bent your knees. This will be your starting position. Roll the barbell straight forward slowly b stretching your body. Pause for a while. Now return back to the initial position. One rep is completed.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 10 reps.

8. The Plank


Plank is one of the best exercises for building a strong core. It targets your overall core. This workout will help you raise your strength and stability. It also helps in reducing back problems such as back pain. Plank is all about holding weight. No reps are included in it. Let’s do this exercise!

Targeted Area- It usually targets your Overall core and back muscles.

How to do


Hold your body with the help of your elbows. In normal plank you do not have to do anything. Hold on the position as long as you can. You can add weight in your back to make it more effective.

Complete 2 sets and hold your body for 20-30 sec in each set. (Later you can increase the time)

9. Press sit-up

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Press Sit-Up is also one of the best workouts for abs. it focuses on your overall core. It mainly targets your lower abs. This workout also helps in increasing strength and stability. Let’s do this crazy abs workout.

Targeted areas- It usually targets your lower abs.

How to do

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Lie down on a decline bench. Grab a barbell in your hands with an underhand grip. Rest the barbell above your chest. This will be your starting position. Now raise your upper body slowly and also push the bar to the overhead position. Focus on your abdominal muscles. Pause for a while. Now Release your upper body slowly back to the starting position.

10. Barbell Russian Twist

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Barbell Russian Twist is also the most effective abs exercise. It usually focuses on your core and obliques. It also helps in increasing your strength. This workout is listed as the most effective abs exercise. Let’s do this exercise.

Targeted areas- It usually targets your obliques, abs, and shoulders.

How to do

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Stand straight with feet at shoulder width. Place the weight on the barbell. Grab the barbell from its one end. This will be your starting position. Now swing the bar to the left with your both hands. Do the same for right also. Here is one rep completed.

Complete 2 sets of 12 reps each.

Also, read our article on Top 8 Triceps exercises for men Click Here