Best 5 Chest Exercises For Men

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Almost every gym freak has a desire to have a big and solid chest. The big chest is the symbol of strength. It also highlights your personality. Every beginner has a desire to build a solid and heavy chest. We have analyzed the best 5 chest exercises, which will help you in building your desire chest. These workouts are also responsible for gaining chest mass. So have a look and add up these effective chest exercises in your chest routine.

Benefits Of chest exercises

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  • The chest is the second-most important part after biceps for showing off.
  • It gives rise to your personality and is also the symbol of your strength and hard work.
  • Helps in powerlifting exercises.
  • Improves your body physique and makes you look more heavy.
  • Training chest also improves your overall performance.

Best 5 chest exercises for men

Here are the best 5 chest exercises for men which will help you sculpt your chest and upgrading your strength.

1. Flat Bench Press

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The flat bench press is one of the best chest exercises. it targets your chest muscles. Along with this flat bench press works on multiple body parts. Let’s have this crazy workout.

Targeted areas- 

Main muscle group- Chest muscles.

Secondary muscle group- Shoulders and Triceps.

How to do

Lie down on the flat bench. Keep your feet stuck on the floor. This will be your starting position. Now squeeze your shoulder and lower down the weight slowly. Drop down the weight until the bar is an inch away from your chest. Return back to the starting position slowly. Here is your one-rep completed.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps.

Keep your back straight during the whole workout.

2. Incline Dumbbell Press

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Incline Dumbbell press is the best also the best exercise for chest. If you wanna have a heavy solid chest then this workout is for you. So let’s do this workout.

Targeted areas-

Main Muscle Group- Chest.

Secondary Muscle Group- Shoulders, Triceps.

How to do

Pick up the dumbbells in your hands with a neutral grip. Lie down on an incline bench. Keep your hands straight upward. This will be your starting position. Now lower down the dumbbells slowly as far as you can. COntract your chest for a while. Now push the dumbbell back to the initial position. Here is your one-rep completed.

Complete 3 sets of 10, 10, 8 reps.

Contract your chest during lowering down the dumbbells.

3. Decline Dumbbell Press

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Decline Dumbbell Press is also paced in the best 5 chest exercises for men. It focuses on your lower chest muscles. This workout is for both beginners and professionals. Now get up and grab the dumbbells to perform this crazy workout.

Targeted areas-

Main Muscle Group- Chest (Lower).

Secondary Muscle Group- Arms.

How to do

Grab the dumbbells in each hand with an underhand grip. Lie down on a decline bench. Extend your arms straight. This will be your starting position. Now lower down the dumbbells slowly until they reach above your chest. Now get back to the initial position. One rep is completed.

Complete 3 sets of 10, 10, 8 reps.

Contract and relax the chest muscles during the workout.

4. Pec Dec Flye

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Pec Dec flye is the most effective chest exercise. It trains your whole chest muscles. This workout is performed by both beginners and professionals. Get up and have the workout.

Targeted areas-

Main Muscle Group- Chest.

Secondary Muscle Group- Shoulder and triceps.

How to do

Sit down on the pec dec machine. Grab the handles. Now bend your elbows your chest out. This will be your initial position. Now bring the handles together slowly. Pause for a while and get back to the initial position. One rep is completed.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps.

Keep lighter weight during the workout. The heavy workout will target your deltoids.

5. Cable Crossover

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Cable crossover is the best chest exercise. It focuses on your pecs and stretches the outer pecs muscle fiber. This effective workout is listed in the best chest exercises for men. Let’s have this workout.

Targeted areas-

Main Muscle Group-  It directly targets your chest muscles.

How to do

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Stand in the center of the cable extension machine. Grab the D handles in your hands with an appropriate weight. Bend your torso in forwarding direction. This will be your initial position. Now pull the handles down until they meet up. Pause for a while and then get back to the initial position. Here is your one-rep completed.

Complete 3 sets of 12, 10, 8 reps.

Keep your core tight during the whole workout. Keep your back straight.

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